Saturday 1 November 2014

Kathmandu, Nepal

Nepal is no stranger country to any traveler in the world. Himalayas mountain range, including the highest, Mount Everest is a single magnet for travelers seeking challenges to conquer the peak and withstand the extreme weather condition.

Other travelers' destinations include Pashupatinath temple which is one of the important pilgrimage for Hindus, Lord Shiva and Boudhanath is one of the stupas of Buddha which is located in the heart of Kathmandu. 

Other places which cannot be missed while in Kathmandu is Kathmandu valley, Kathmandu Durbar where we can see the Living Godess, Patan Durbar Square is ancient place where we can find the ancient palace and temples from Malla Era, the famous Krishna Mandir. Katmandu valley is listed as one of Nepal's world heritage site by UNESCO.

Where is it?


  1. Those photos are more stunning when viewed from android phone.
    Something they hang on the fence. They look like painting I guess. What are they made of?

    1. Thanks for your visit and well observed. Those are made of natural fibers. Some of them are recycle materials. More importantly the price is very reasonable.

  2. They are great piece of art indeed.
    There is always one picture which I like most for each of your entry. For this entry I like a picture of a guy in purple shirt. He is selling fresh fruit juices on the street and using a manual juicer. Nevertheless he is well dressed ;) Giving the best despite the difficulty. Best captured Bapak ST.

    1. Indeed Teh Bunga. Thanks for your observation. It's a street photography along a very busy street in Kathmandu.

  3. Keren dan bagus2 fotonya pak ST. Contras warna warnanya kelihatan, seperti hidup banget. Keren abis pak.
    Aslinya sekeren dan sebagus fotonya gak ya?? Hiiiihiiiii

  4. Terima kasih atas kunjungan dan komen nya Ros. Aslinya harusnya sama donk dengan photonya. Cheers
