Tuesday 31 March 2015

Agra - India

Agra is one of the most visited city in India. The reasons for it is simple. Agra is the house for the world famous love monument, Taj Mahal, the world famous ancient Agra Fort and the old palace, Fathepur Sikri, built during the Mughal era. 

All three are listed as UNESCO world heritage sites. Agra is included in the Golden Triangle tourist circuit of India, which include Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. 


  1. An example of a great man who knows how to make his woman feels she is much loved by her man and to make his woman see how powerful his love is. How did you feel when you first visited this statue of love Bapak ST?

    1. You are absolutely right Teh Bunga. Well, I believe he was an extraordinary man, who had the power and resources to build such Gigantic Monument. Inside, the most inner part of the monument is a restricted place where both he and his wife graves are located. Very lovely, just side-by-side. I strongly believe, no such monument will be built in this modern era. Thank you for your interest. Good luck,

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for your visit and comments my dear friend. It is impressive history and buildings at the same time. Have a wonderful day.
