Monday 2 February 2015

Fishing Village

Fishing village presents in every seashore village and island in most countries in Asia. Immediately, it becomes a perfect subject to be photographed. The challenge would be to know the routine of local fisherman and hence to adjust the time to be present at the location to capture the best actions.



  1. Nice to see many colorful boats and houses. Which photo I like most? The unique one where the shadow of the photographer can be seen. Did it happen accidentally or purposely?

    1. You may be surprise sometimes, you can easily see the photographer shadow instead. Usually these photos were taken during bright sunny day. It happens accidentally though.

  2. It turns out to be kind of behind the scene photography. Nice!

    1. Actually, every fishing village is a very good subject for photography. Try to visit one at the right timing, you will be amazed Teh Bunga.
