Friday 23 January 2015

Giant Cat

Photographing wild animal like tiger and lion requires good knowledge of the animal behaviors, their norms and habitat. Then only the planning can be done accordingly, especially in term of type of lenses to be used, tripod and other photography accessories. 



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much for your positive and encouraging comment. Have a great weekend. Thank you for your visit.

  2. Keren tiger and lionnya, merupakan binatang yg harus di lestarikan.

    1. Terima kasih Non keatas komennya ya. Semoga permintaan kamu di kabulkan ya, jadi banyak Lion dan Tiger di dunia ini.

  3. You have a special eye for capturing performers, these are awesome.....

    1. Thank you very much for your visit and comments. Appreciate it.

  4. It seems a lazy mood is a romantic mood for these giant cat couple. Something is coming across my mind now. It is very very rare to see animal couple fighting with each other which is contrary to human behavior. Man and woman, Oh My God! can be counted how many times they don't fight with each other. Something for me to ponder and it is a lesson from animals. Thank you very much Bapak ST.

    1. Animal's behavior is unique too. They will fight for reasons, e.g. territory, food and female, while mating. These scene are common in the animal kingdom. Given that scenario, human behavior may not be far different, if you agree with my opinion.

    2. Well, I beg to differ. Yes, among the male animals they are fighting for the mentioned reasons. But male and female animals, do they fight with each other? I believe the male animals won't fight with female animals or vice-versa. Only human do that.

    3. I believe they do fight too. That's for certain Teh Bunga. May be we should watch Net Geo!

  5. Sono stupendi , meravigliose immagini !!

    1. Thanks a million to you for your visit and comments. I hope that my photos can bring a big smile on your face. Have a wonderful day.
