Tuesday 14 July 2015

Situ Patenggang Lake, Bandung, Indonesia

Situ Patenggang lake is located in Southern part of Bandung city of Indonesia, it is in a village called Ciwidey.  Occupying an approximate altitude of 1600 meter above sea level, travelers can experience misty lake in the middle of the day and late afternoon. Surrounded by the matured tea plantation, Patenggang lake is an ideal place for travelers who are looking for peaceful and natural place complimented by chill weather. 

Situ Patengan, the original name, means a soul-searching couple. In the middle of the lake, there is an small island where a big boulder called "love stone" can be found. Local ethnic Sundanese believe that the soul-searching couple who was separated for along time finally met in the island. Boats are ready to serve travelers who want to visit the "love stone" in a small island.   


  1. Replies
    1. Memang indah. Berkunjung lah kesana melihat keindahan alam Indonesia. Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda ke blog saya.
