Wednesday 13 May 2020

Blue-tailed Bee-eater @ Pulau Indah Klang, Selangor, Malaysia

Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus) is a colorful, attractive and very fast action bird among hundred species of birds can be found in Pulau Indah Klang, Selangor, Malaysia. Blue-tailed Bee-eater is a residence bird to Pulau Indah. The bird can be found at the forest edges a long the main roads in the island.

Pulau Indah Klang is yet another wonderful birding destinations in Selangor, Malaysia as it is a residence to many exotic birds and has become migratory birds' destination too. The island has large area of mangrove forest, seashore, streams and lowland forest. Pulau Indah Klang is a popular weekend destination to the local for family get away, fishing, sailing, kite flying and even drone flying. Small number of accommodations, local food and recreational activities are provided along the seashore of the island. 

Pulau Indah Klang can be reached in approximately one hour from Kuala Lumpur city center by car, passing through the bridge connecting the mainland and the island. The island has a large bird population and varieties. It certainly entices many birders to be there. The main target birds in Pulau Indah includes different types of kingfisher, woodpeckers, land birds, shrikes, kites, pigeons, egrets and herons just to name a few.



  1. Kesian dia keseorangan. Mungkin dia rasa sunyi. Nasib baik ada you yang selalu ambil tahu pasal dia. Mungkin lain kali i boleh ikut u jumpa dia. Kesian dia. Nak nangis i tengok dia Encik 😢😢😢

    1. Betul sekali tuh Enrich Bliss. Terima kasih atas kesudihannya untuk bertemu dengan nya yang sedang kesepian dan kedinginan tuh. Semoga selapas MCO boleh lah kita bertatap muka dengannya.

  2. Nampaknya hanya kita berdua sahaja yang bergurau senda di sini. Kemana lah agaknya pergi kawan-kawan kita yang begitu ramai di Google+ dulu ya? Ketika itu sangat seronok bila kita semua pencinta dunia fotografi daripada pelbagai pelusok negara bersatu di dalam Google+ Encik dan menjadi akrab di sana. Jika boleh diputarkan masa...

    1. Betul sekali Enrich Bliss. Sometimes we recall those good old days and smile to ourselves. But one thing for sure, those days never come back and life goes on regardless what happens to us. That is the cruel facts. As for now, we should enjoy and cherish every moment we have. Never take it for granted. Take care

  3. Very true Encik Joe. That's why TODAY is called PRESENT because that's the GIFT we have.I sincerely apologise to you because I often tease you here. If it's hurt I deeply apologise. I do missed the good old days too. That's why I returned back to blogging again after many years I abandoned my blog. This is the place where I feel happy seeing beautiful photos and have the freedom to express n share my thoughts. Even though just the two of us communicating here, I appreciate the goodness i have from your blog. Many thanks for sharing the beauty Encik Joe..

    1. Nothing to apologize dear friend. I am so happy to see you coming back here. It has been a long time since you left this blogging world. To me, what is important is to do and continue doing what we like and love doing. Your kind words is always remembered and appreciated. Cheers.
